
Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide (Update 1.5)


Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Healer First Half

(F2P suggestions)


Diona* Any Any Second Half

(F2P suggestions)


Chongyun** Any Any


Noelle *** *For Chamber 3 you will need a character who can deal elemental damage consistently (ideally Cryo but Pyro works too eg Diona/Ganyu/Amber) Note: this doesn't have to be be your main DPS character. Characters that can turn their own or other characters' normal attacks into elementals are also great, e.g. Chongyun, Keqing, Diluc

**For Chamber 2 Cryo is useful against Hydro Mimics. [Second Half] There are a lot of Hydro Mimics in this half, they deal massive damage and there will be bubble traps everywhere. If you're using a shield character like Noelle, you can go ahead and use the extra damage, otherwise you might want to keep them frozen. [First Half] Even with the strategy above, you may still find it difficult as both Abyss Readers spam a lot of AoE damage. If possible, installing a gel comp (Cryo + Hydro) will help keep those two locked in and your characters alive. [First Half] Ideally, you'll want to group the two Abyss Readers together so you can deal damage to them both.

Floor 10 Abyss Guide

Remember to use the characters that suit you best, because not everyone builds the same characters! TikTok-Video by jsane_ (@jsane_): "Answer @jaeistry Abyss floor 5!" Remember to use the characters that suit you best, because not everyone builds the same characters! Abyss Floors 5-8 Team Tips & Ideas | The ley line mess increases your attack and crit rate based on your HP, so try to keep your HP high | Chamber 1 first half you are going to want to bring some pyro dps and take out the shooters first because the slimes will follow you | ....

Enemy Levels - Challenge Target 100 [Camera 1]

- Defeat all enemies, remaining challenge time is over 180 seconds (?1) / 300 seconds (?2) / 420 seconds (?3) [Camera 2]

- Defeat all enemies remaining in challenge for more than 180s(?1) / 300s(?2) / 420s(?1) / 300s(?2) / 420s(? Use bursts for DEF debuff

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon:

shattered moon When an active character's elemental energy is fully charged, enemies hit by the character's normal, charged, or dive attacks will have their DEF reduced by 10% over 7 seconds. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Spiral Abyss Floor 12 - Featured Characters and Party

First semester - example of recommended equipment

Better to have Frozen than crowd control

Most enemies at this level cannot be picked up by an Anemo for crowd control. replacement digits

First half

Character Replace Reason Ayaka ganyu - Ideal for frozen compositions

- Huge damage with all his attacks Xing Qiu Mona - Excellent use of Hydro

- Taunt can help attract enemies

- Burst reduces enemy resistance Kazuha Sucrose - Can increase allies' elemental mastery

- Crowd control still works on some dione Bennett enemies - Increases damage and heals in bursts

- The high energy charge should explode for most of the fight

Second half - example of recommended equipment

DPS Sub-DPS Apoyo Apoyo Xiao Xiangling Bennett Zhongli

Main DPS should be able to attack multiple targets

It's important to have a primary DPS that can hit multiple enemies at once at this level. replacement digits

Second part

Reason for Character Substitute Xiao Eula - Can Hit Multiple Enemies with Bursts

- Cryo app is quite fast with its elemental ability Xiangling Beidou - Terrain knowledge is beneficial for main DPS

- Excellent when combined with Cryo to reduce enemy physical resistance

- Also provides Bennett Jean Shield - Stable healing

- Can also deal copious damage to opponents Zhongli dione - Provides healing and shields

Free, low-level character party

First half

DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Apoyo Rosaria Tschongyun Xiangling Bennett

Second part

A party made up of characters that you can get for free or easily get through Wish Banners.

# Video | Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide

Youtube video
  • Spiral Abyss Floor 11
  • Abyss Floor 12 Team Comp
  • Spiral Abyss Floor 9
  • Genshin Spiral Abyss Guide
  • Spiral Abyss Floor 10

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide Reddit


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Spiral Abyss Floor 12 1.5 Guide

Trouble With Abyss 12? Here Are Tips And Tricks For Spiral Abyss 1.5 Genshin Impact

Floor 12 Room 1 – First half

Character Recommendations: Damage Cryo (Ganyu, Kaeya, Chongyun), Shielder (Diona, Zhongli), Support Hydro (Xingqiu, Mona)

On this floor you will fight 1 Geovishap and 2 Pyro Whopperflower. Floor 12 Room 1 – Second half

Character Recommendations: Damage Pyro (Diluc, Bennett, Xiangling, Klee, Hu Tao), Shielder (Diona, Zhongli)

Just like First Half, you will fight 1 Geovishap and 2 Whopperflower. Floor 12 Room 3 – First half

Character Recommendations: Pyro/Cryo damage as much as possible, especially those with multiple and quick applications (Ganyu, Diona, Kaeya, Diluc, Bennett, Xiangling, Hu Tao), Shielder (Diona, Zhongli), Hydro support for Vaporize/ Freeze (Xingqiu, Mona), AoE Enabler (Venti)

In my opinion, this is the hardest Abyss level since the release of Genshin Impact. Floor 12 Room 3 – Second half

Recommended Characters: DPS Pyro (Hu Tao, Diluc, Klee, Bennett, Xiangling), AoE CC (Venti, Zhongli, Sucrose), Healer (Diona, Bennett, Jean)

To be honest, the reason this level is hard is because every time you fail you have to restart the first half and go back to the abyss drive.

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Chamber 2 Guide

Useful Tips & Guide For 2.8 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 | Genshin Impact

Useful F2P Tips & Guide For 2.8 Abyss Floor 12 | Genshin Impact

In this video I gave some tips and tricks to clear the new 2.8 Spiral Abyss floor 12 with 9 stars as much as possible. After a few hours of trying the Abyss to find the fastest way to clean, I've given some tips and a complete guide to cleaning the new 2.8 Floor 12. the Chasm Serpent or the Ruin Serpent in 12-3 second mid- time was a little tough but with the right build and the right teams you can beat it in time. Music – Qilin's Prance


00:00 intro

00:12 Note

00:29 12-1-1

01:54 12-1-2

02:45 12-2-1

04:31 12-2-2

05;15 12-3-1

06:03 12-3-2

07:10 General and Outro

#genshin #genshinimpact #spiralabyss


2.8 abyss

spiral abyss 2.8

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abyss 2.8

spiral abyss floor 12 2.8

abyss 2.8 f2p

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2.8 spiral abyss

2.8 spiral abyss tips

floor 12 2.8

spiral abyss

Genshin impact

2.8 abyss 12 guide

2.8 abyss 12 tips

2.8 abyss guide

2.8 floor spiral abyss 12 tips

2.8 spiral abyss floor 12

2.8 abyss 12 f2p guide

2.8 floor 12 f2p cheats

Genshin Impact F2P Guide

genshin impact spiral abyss

floor 12

12-3 second half

serpent chasm 2.8 spiral chasm 12

serpent ruin 2.8 spiral abyss 12

The source

Genshin Abyss Floor 12 - Genshin 2.6 Abyss

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide - Spiral Abyss Floor 11 1 Save

Genshin Abyss F2P - Best Characters For Spiral Abyss

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide - Abyss Floor 12 Team Comp 2 Save
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    1. Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide (Update 1.5)
    2. Floor 10 Abyss Guide
    3. Spiral Abyss 2.0 Level 12 Walkthrough Guide | Enemies And Recommended Characters
    4. # Video | Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide
  1. Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide Reddit
    1. Facebook
  2. Spiral Abyss Floor 12 1.5 Guide
    1. Trouble With Abyss 12? Here Are Tips And Tricks For Spiral Abyss 1.5 Genshin Impact
  3. Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Chamber 2 Guide
    1. Useful Tips & Guide For 2.8 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 | Genshin Impact
    2. # Images | Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide - Spiral Abyss 2.0 Level 12 Walkthrough Guide | Enemies and recommended characters
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